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Our Assemblies

Assembly time is an opportunity to come together as a whole school to celebrate, explore and learn.

We use assembly time to discuss British values: respect and tolerance, rule of law, individual liberty and democracy and our core school values: respect, motivation, teamwork, perseverance and focus, and the important role they play in our lives and on our journey to becoming responsible global citizens. Assemblies are a time used to reflect on British values, what they are and how they are reflected around school. 

Over the last year we have been discussing how we can live out our school rules (be ready, be safe, be respectful) to be the best that we can be, both inside and outside of school. Assemblies are an opportunity to explore our school learning behaviour birds and how we can best show these in our classroom and the playground. 

In assemblies, we take time to learn and celebrate traditions and beliefs from around the world. We always look forward to inviting visitors to come and talk to the children so that they can learn to understand cultures that are different to their own. 

The children are always very excited about attending a celebration assembly. This is a real opportunity to hear how our children have played out our school values and rules in daily life. Staff give out certificates to the children that they have noticed displaying positive behaviours. This is also an opportunity to share the nominations from our ARK books; these are Acts of Random Kindness nominations from children that are shared with everyone and celebrated. 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Led by Class Teachers in Key Stages with a focus on Values and Behaviour.

Singing Assembly in Key Stages led by our Music Subject Lead.

Led by Heads of School in Key Stages with a focus on British Values, Zones of Regulation,  Behaviour and School Values.

In class assemblies led by the Class Teachers with a focus on key days and events.

Whole school Celebration Assembly led by Assistant Head Teacher.