Development Plan
School Context
Hatfeild is a larger than average primary school.
The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs supported at SEND support is close to average and those with an EHCP is above average.
The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium (additional government funding for pupils entitled to free school meals) average, though with some variation between year groups.
Most pupils are of White British heritage. A minority are from a range of minority ethnic groups.
The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above average.
The school has a breakfast club which is managed by the school and an after-school club which is not managed by the school.
In recent years there has been some structural changes to the leadership and management of the school.
Our Development Priorities 2023-2024
Priority 1
To ensure there is consistent teaching of phonics and Early Reading
- Continue to embed RWI as the phonics scheme across EYFS, KS1 and The ARP -in school resources and the going home books, matched to children’s phonic abilities.
- Continue staff training to provide a consistent approach to teaching phonics and early reading.
- Monitor the quality of teaching and learning in phonics and the progress of the pupils.
- Provide additional support through the phonics lead.
- Ensure that there is Quality First Teaching of reading and phonics across the whole school-including the ARP and EYFS.
- Ensure every child is making progress and leaves HPS a fluent reader.
- Undertake a reading review
- Promote reading for pleasure.
Priority 2
To ensure good or better progress is made in Reading and Writing and a greater % of pupils achieve greater depth in Reading and Writing
- Ensure rates of progress for all children are good or better and raise attainment in line with or above national averages: Particular emphasis on Key Stage 2 attainment and GLD in EYFS.
- Improve attainment in WRITING across the school. Regular monitoring and focused targets resulting in a measurable impact. Monitoring of Jane Considine and the impact of this method of teaching writing; ensuring that there is a consistent approach across the whole school.
- Improve attainment in READING across the school. Regular monitoring and focused targets resulting in a measurable impact. Monitoring Early Reading and impact of new reading phonics (Read Write Inc) and KS2 banded books
- Continue to develop the roles and responsibilities of the SLT- in monitoring/ improving % of outstanding teaching/day to day management
- Develop cluster school working-moderation / developing middle leadership / Cross school professional development / observations and feedback.
- Ensure that there is Quality First Teaching of reading across the whole school-including the ARP and EYFS.
- Ensure every child is making progress and leaves HPS a fluent reader and writer
Priority 3
To ensure maths mastery is embedded across the school and staff have the subject knowledge and skills to deliver the maths mastery curriculum
- Embed the C, V, A approach to teaching maths-maths lead to run training sessions and support planning
- Ensure all maths taught across the school follows the mastery approach-monitoring and team teaching
- Develop a calculation policy that clearly outlines which methods should be taught when
- Ensure that there is Quality First Teaching of maths mastery across the whole school-including the ARP and EYFS.
- Ensure that every child leaves school competent in maths.
Priority 4
All pupil groups (SEND, vulnerable, disadvantaged and pupil premium children) are well-supported and achieve well.
- Continue to work to diminish the difference between disadvantaged pupils and non-disadvantaged pupils.
- Work with Merton on the SEND project-focusing on provision for SEND pupils in classrooms for all SEND pupils including ARP pupils coming into mainstream-quality first teaching for all
- Audit staff needs and provide training-Ordinarily available, OT, Dyslexia, ASD etc
- Review the use of support staff-staff audit of skills and expertise.
- Provide support staff training in OT interventions, S+L, phonics, Lego therapy, etc.
- Ensure all staff understand their responsibilities towards the SEND pupils they are working with and there is clear communication around pupils’ needs with staff working more collaboratively with SENCO, parents and other SEND professionals.
- Introduce Zones of Regulation and begin the training to assist pupils in managing their emotions and staff in how to de-escalate situations.
- Reorgansie Yr 6 into three teaching groups to meet needs around behaviour and large numbers of EHCP pupils in the year group.
- Provide annual and half-term safeguarding training for all staff
Priority 5
QUALITY OF EDUCATION: The broad and balanced curriculum ensures all children make excellent progress
- Continue to embed an enriched and appropriate curriculum with high quality teaching and learning where children know more than they did before.
- Ensure that all staff have skills and knowledge to deliver a Hatfeild curriculum
- Ensure that gaps in knowledge and skills are identified and closed rapidly-progression maps and knowledge organisers developed
- Develop the Diversity and Equality elements of the curriculum, so it represents the school community.
- Resourcing
Priority 6
Early Years Foundation Stage
- Set up the individual classrooms as a holistic EYFS provision.
- Ensure the EYFS staff are familiar with the new EYFS curriculum.
- Continue to provide support to the EYFS-through the Borough adviser and the Early Years Lead from JHPS
- Develop the outdoor area to ensure outdoor provision matches the indoor provision and offer.
- Develop a Hatfeild EYFS curriculum.
- Work with parents in supporting their children’s early education by providing parent workshops
- Monitor the quality of provision and increase the % of children achieving GLD.
- Provide weekly EYFS open mornings to promote Hatfeild School within the local community.